Thursday, September 9, 2010

Strong versus Valid Arguments

A strong argument can be defined as a statement that has an accurate idea but also has an inaccurate conclusion. An ideal strong argument would have an accurate idea and inaccurate conclusion that occur at the same time as one another. A valid argument is when the accurate idea and inaccurate conclusion cannot be applied at the same time. In other words, there is no promising way for the idea and the conclusion to be false at the same moment. Epstein believes that a strong argument is better than a valid argument that ends with the same conclusion.

An example of a strong argument would be that the blue books that many students use for an exam in a class are not always blue. They can usually be found in green or yellow. This would be a strong argument because the idea is true and the conclusion is false. An example of a valid argument would be that the blue books that many students use for an exam in a class are never blue. They can only be found in green or yellow. This is an example of a valid argument because neither the idea nor the conclusion are false at the same time; there are blue books that are actually blue, however, they are not as common.


  1. Raymad,

    The example used for your strong argument is a really good one. It's premise is that our blue books are almost never blue, either yellow or green. It is creating a false conclusion and creating an imaginary idea of what a blue book is, which what usually happens using strong argument to create a point.

  2. Hey, i like your argument on the blue books because it is true, the blue books are never blue. I remember last year, i was head over heels trying to find the "blue books" and when i finally asked the clerks, they pointed out some green books and i was puzzled because i thought the books were literally blue. But i was mistaken, so i spent an hour trying to find books that were first wrong of the name, it should have been green books since the book is green. Other than that, i liked your arguments, keep up the good work.
